“I chose to do the Knockout Health Challenge to prevent chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are in my family; I lost my father to heart disease. After loosing him at a young age, I want to prevent that from happening to me.
Some of the benefits with the KHC are the social, emotional and physical wellbeing. Being apart of it has improved my life dramatically, I now get out with my children and I’m much more active. It’s important to be involved with the challenge so that making healthy normal rubs off to the younger generations, we need to teach them the right way to improve health and prevent diseases.
I first started the 10-week challenge three years ago, so this is now my third time and its only just beginning to get easier. I find the coaches here great; they are very inspiring and motivating. Motivation is really important to me, If I don’t train with a partner or group then I’m not feeling motivated. The KHC is a good way of motivating one another as we’re a team of twenty girls, we get together, so some great exercising and we’re very supportive of one another.”