Applications for the Knockout Health Challenge are submitted online. A team manager can apply for a team (group of participants) with the support of a host organisation.

What to put in your application
Applications should show how your planned activities or initiatives will support healthy eating and active living behaviours. The program team will prefer plans that can reach and improve the health of your broader community.

Applications should show:

  • how you plan to support healthy eating and active living behaviours
  • detail on your planned activities or initiatives
  • clear information on how your team will spend the funds

Information on your team members, such as weight, will not be collected in the Knockout Health Challenge this year.

What role do the host organisation play?
Host organisations can be your local Aboriginal medical service, community controlled health service, land council, local health district, or local business with an ABN.

The host organisation supports the team manager to deliver their activities with the team. This may include supporting teams to connect to local services, providing access to facilities or allocating resourcing to deliver the activities. The host organisation must have an ABN and will be asked to sign a contract with NSW Health to receive the funds. They are required to support the team manager to use the funds as agreed in the contract, and will be asked to confirm the expenditure at the end of the challenge.

Steps of the Knockout Health Challenge